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A place for women of God who seek to live for Him in every aspect of life, with a touch of 50s!

A True Homemaker - Part 1

A True Homemaker - Part 1

This is the first in a series of blogs that will help you discover your inner homemaker. We’ll talk about planning, cleaning, organizing, time-management…any and all things homemaking.

What exactly is a homemaker? Dictionary.com says it’s “a person who manages the household of his or her own family, especially as a principal occupation.” Other definitions specify it “especially a wife or mother”. Traditionally, we would put Mom this role, but I want to give a shout out to the fathers who pull all-nighters, take diaper duty to new levels, make the meanest PB&Js, and shuttle kids back and forth between activities. I would be remiss in not giving credit where it is due, so we salute you!

For our purposes, I’m going to assume everyone reading this is a woman. If you’re a husband sneaking a peek, don’t worry, you’ll find no disrespect here. But since this a blog for women, on we go!

When you think of the word “homemaker” does it fill you with visions of Grandma baking pies or with someone who is miserable, shackled for all eternity to a stove with apron strings extending to kids who may never leave? If someone asks what your occupation is, and you say you’re a homemaker (or insert your choice of words here, e.g. housewife, SAHM – the sentiment is the same), do you say it with pride or with revulsion? Do you mutter the phrase under your breath, expecting eye rolls and comments like, “How can you serve a man like that? We cut the strings years ago!” or “You have heard of equality, right?!”

Good grief! One would think we were serving a prison sentence. I admit, there are times I think about using a spoon to dig my way out, but can you think of any occupation that doesn’t wear you down, get old, or become just plain boring? Many so-called “jobs” lose their flavor pretty quickly so feeling run-down as a homemaker is no surprise. But I want you to think of it in a different way. I want you to remember the words of Paul when he wrote his first letter to the Corinthians and said, “Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.” (emphasis by author). We offer thanksgiving and grace at meal time, but are we giving glory in ALL we do? Replace word “whatever” with “all”. …or all you do, do it for the glory God.

Right now we’re talking about homemaking. Are you so committed that you’re doing it for the glory of God? As you make your house a home, are you including God in your plans? As homemakers it’s our responsibility to assure all members of our family feel safe and secure in the walls of our home. We hold in our hands the privilege – yes, privilege – to care for all within. How can we be the best homemaker possible? How can we use our gifts to honor God and to do all the things that come with the “job”?

The first thing you must to do be a great homemaker: HONOR GOD IN ALL YOU DO. If you aren’t already committed to this, pray about it and seek His guidance. Ask for wisdom and to be shown the ways you can improve in this area. Put notes up around your house to remind you that God is the center of your life, including the work you do. Some of you may be secure in this area and I’m so happy to hear that! Stay tuned for the next installment!

The upcoming blogs will focus on the meat and potatoes of homemaking – the grunt work!

Blessings to you all!

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